With title and settlement rates largely being regulated, more and more title agency owners are looking to win business by offering a better customer service experience than that of their competitors. Over the past decade. customers have warmed to, and sometimes come to expect, an increasingly digital closing experience prompting title agencies to recruit the help of their websites in providing a better customer service experience.
But what separates a great title agency website from just a good one? What steps can you take to equip your title agency website with the features and tools it needs to help you win more business? We put together this guide to help you answer these questions.
We spent an entire month carefully analyzing 352 title agency websites to identify nine important features top agencies are incorporating into their title agency websites to help them compete and differentiate effectively within their markets. We start off by identifying the top nine features that should be part of every single title agency website and analyze how commonly used each feature is across our title agency website sample.